Owncloud regenerar sharekeys

Os pasamos un script que os permitirá una acción de owncloud muy interesantes. Se trata de generar las sharekeys de owncloud si por algún motivo no se han generado correctamente o han quedado corruptas. La única pega que hemos visto es que necesitas como mínimo que exista la sharekey del que comparte y a partir de aquí genera la key del fichero y las nuevas sharekey de los usuarios para que puedan ser sustituidas o movidas. Decimos pega porque puede ser que precisamente lo que necesitéis sea generar la sharekey del que comparte :/

// This script is meant to be called from CLI

// The script generates a new set of shareKeys and the encrypted file-key for an encrypted shared file
// if the share owner already has its

if ($argc<2) {
fwrite(STDERR, "Object needed\n");

// I placed the script in a subfolder of owncloud web-root
require_once '../apps/files_encryption/lib/crypt.php';

$OWNERPASSWORD = 'Zp5rW6+@4uSh5-7';
$WORKDIR=$startdir . "/work-" . $SHAREOWNER ."/files_encryption";

$myAllowUsers = array($SHAREOWNER,"[email protected]");

// the file for we need new keys has to be relative to the "files" folder of the share-owner
$OBJECTNAME = $argv[1];

if (!is_file($OCDATADIR."/".$SHAREOWNER."/files_encryption/keyfiles/".$OBJECTNAME.".key")) {
        fwrite(STDERR, 'No keyfile found for Object, cannot continue');

$OPATH = dirname($OBJECTNAME);

// first get share owners private key and decrypt it
$encryptedUserKey = file_get_contents("$OCDATADIR/$SHAREOWNER/files_encryption/$SHAREOWNER.private.key");
$decryptedUserKey = OCA\Encryption\Crypt::decryptPrivateKey($encryptedUserKey, $OWNERPASSWORD);

// now we need to decrypt the file-key, therefore we use the private key and the share key
$shareKey = file_get_contents("$OCDATADIR/$SHAREOWNER/files_encryption/share-keys/$OBJECTNAME.$SHAREOWNER.shareKey");
$encryptedKeyfile = file_get_contents("$OCDATADIR/$SHAREOWNER/files_encryption/keyfiles/$OBJECTNAME.key");
$decryptedKeyfile = OCA\Encryption\Crypt::multiKeyDecrypt($encryptedKeyfile, $shareKey, $decryptedUserKey);

// then we get the users public key
$userPubKeys = array();
foreach ( $myAllowUsers as $myAllowUser ) {
        $userPubKeys[$myAllowUser] = file_get_contents("$OCDATADIR/public-keys/" . $myAllowUser . '.public.key');
// generating the new keys
$multiEncKey = OCA\Encryption\Crypt::multiKeyEncrypt($decryptedKeyfile, $userPubKeys);

$newshareKeys = $multiEncKey['keys'];
$newKeyfile = $multiEncKey['data'];

// create recursive work directory structure for keyfiles and share-keys if needed
if (!is_dir($WORKDIR . "/share-keys/" . $OPATH)) {
                if (!mkdir($WORKDIR . "/share-keys/" . $OPATH, 0770, true)) {
                        fwrite(STDERR, 'Failed to create folders...');
if (!is_dir($WORKDIR . "/keyfiles/" . $OPATH)) {
                if(!mkdir($WORKDIR . "/keyfiles/" . $OPATH, 0770, true)) {
                        fwrite(STDERR, 'Failed to create folders...');

// storing the key files
foreach ($newshareKeys as $userId => $newshareKey) {
        file_put_contents($WORKDIR . "/share-keys/" . $OBJECTNAME . "." . $userId . ".shareKey", $newshareKey);

file_put_contents($WORKDIR . "/keyfiles/" . $OBJECTNAME . ".key", $newKeyfile);

fwrite(STDERR, "Done $FILENAME\n");
Recomendamos revisar los parámetros de entrada en la fuente que nos ayudó a nosotros: https://github.com/gnanet/misc-scripts/tree/master/owncloud (Interesante ver también: oc-sharekey-robot.sh) Próximamente, script de descifrado de ficheros 🙂